Parent Education & Support
Active Parenting 4th Edition
A video & discussion program for parents of children ages 5 to 12
Next Series Begins: New dates coming soon
Location: Virtual (zoom)
Register by calling Candice Henkin 503-785-8035 ext 0 or email
Here's what you'll be learning
Styles of parenting
The method of choice
How brain development affects children's behavior and decision making
Who owns the problem
Using active communication
Feelings, empathy, and problem-solving
Effective non-violent discipline
"I" messages
Logical consequences
The think-feel-do cycle
The power of encouragement
Why children misbehave
Eliminating power struggles
Handling anger
Problem-solving with FLAC
7 smart things for school success
Family talks
How to start now to prevent future use of substances
Active Parenting the First 5 years
Building a strong foundation for children from Birth to Age 5
Next Series Begins: November 29, 2022
Tuesdays 9:30am-11:30am
11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20
Location: Jennings Campus
18521 SE River Rd, Milwaukie OR 97267
Register by calling Candice Henkin 503-785-8035 or email
Here's what you'll be learning
Styles of parenting
Ages and stages of development
Building a bond with your child
The method of choice
Your child's beautiful brain
Using nonviolent discipline
The "A-C-T" of parenting
The power of encouragement
Choices & consequences
Caring for the caregiver
6 smart things parents can do to help young children get ready for school
Sample Videos From Active Parenting the First 5 Years