
register for our spring break basketball camp march 27th & 28th!

register for our spring break basketball camp march 27th & 28th!

Please click and fill out BOTH the Registration form (above) and the Payment Link

Do not create a guest account if you are outside of OCSD. For guests outside of OCSD, please contact Emily Fisher at

Recreational Basketball overview

Our seasons consist of 7 weeks of practice and 6 Saturday games. 

  • Registration includes a team shirt. 

  • Team photos will be taken and available for purchase.

  • Grades 3rd-6th practice twice a week for 1 hour each.

  • Grades 7th-8th practice twice a week for 1.5 hours each.

  • Grades 7th/8th have a tournament at the end of the season.

  • Mini-Hoopers are grades K-2 and play co-ed.



18521 SE River Rd
Milwaukie OR 97267
503-785-8035, Ext. 0

Oregon city spring break k-5th grade basketball camp

quickstart sports

k-5th grade basketball camp

march 27th & 28th - 9am-4pm

$99 per player!

Camps to be held at: John McLoughlin Elementary:

19230 South End Rd. Oregon City, Oregon 97045

QuickStart Sports two day basketball camp is full of skills, drills, and fundamental learning, all while having fun in a team environment. Quickstart Sports will focus on developing each players shooting skills, dribbling skills, passing skills, defense and much more.

QuickStart Sports camps are focused on mentoring and impacting kids in a positive way by relating to them through the joy of sports. As part of our programs, we incorporate our core values system throughout each class. These core values are discussed and emphasized throughout each day, and our players are expected to demonstrate these traits during their time with us. We believe that development of every player goes beyond just the skills associated with the sport itself!

Registration through Oregon City Community Ed:

OCCE Youth sports Girls basketball grades 3-8

OCCE Youth sports

3rd-8th girls Basketball registration

Open Nov. 12th-Dec. 20th

“we do not take late registrations”

Information -

-$150 per player

-Practices start week of 1/27

-Season ends March 10th

-7 weeks of practice and 6 game days

-Players are not guaranteed to practice at the school they attend/live closest to

Want to Coach?

Please fill out this form -

Contact -

MacKenzie Hood -

OCCE Youth sports mini hoopers basketball grades k-2

OCCE Youth sports

Pre-k through 2nd co-ed Basketball registration

Open Nov. 12th-Dec. 20th

“we do not take late registrations”

Information -

-$150 per player

-Practices start week of 1/27

-Season ends March 10th

-7 weeks of practice and 6 game days

-Players are not guaranteed to practice at the school they attend/live closest to

Want to Coach?

Please fill out this form -

Contact -

MacKenzie Hood -

OCCE Youth sports Boys basketball grades 3-8

OCCE Youth sports

3rd-8th Boys Basketball registration

Open Sept. 9th-Oct. 23rd (registration Deadline extended)

“we do not take late registrations”

Information -

-Practices start week of 11/12

-Season ends January 18th

-Players are not guaranteed to practice at the school they attend/live closest to

Want to Coach?

Please fill out this form -

Contact -

MacKenzie Hood -

More Basketball Opportunities in Oregon City

Open Gyms for all players

Boys Grades 3rd-8th at the Jackson Campus - No Charge, Open to Everyone Hosted by OC Pioneer Elite

Girls Grades 3rd-8th at Gardiner Middle School - No Charge, Open to Everyone Hosted by OC Junior Girls

Competitive Opportunities

These organizations partner with Oregon City School District as feeder programs for Oregon City High School athletes.

Oregon City Junior Girls Basketball

Oregon City Pioneer Elite